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SF Bike Bookshelf

Selected documents of interest to students of bicycling, sustainable transportation, and quality-of-life policy and practice . . .

Bike & Streets Data

Market Street bike counter (EB Market betw 10th & 9th Streets)

Fell Street bike counter (WB Fell betw Scott and Divisadero Streets)

Bicycle Report cards at the SF Bicycle Coalition's website


Jon Winston is telling podcast bike stories at Bikescape (be sure to listen to the Octavia Blvd. tour with Robin Levitt and Tom Radulovich)

Paul Dorn's outstanding Bike Commute Tips blog

Brandon Baunach is The Bitter Cyclist

Even the Devil Rides, urban cycling in SF

the SFBike list on Riseup

I choose not to wear a helmet when I ride a bike in San Francisco, here's why

I think mandatory bicycle helmet laws are a bad idea, here's why

The Advocates:

San Francisco Bike Plan 2004 2005 2008 2009

purple fist This section is mostly out of date, or anyhow I'm not keeping it up too closely right now — the Bike Plan injunction has frozen all physical improvements in San Francisco since June 20, 2006.

Draft Network Improvement Document

The San Francisco Bicycle Advisory Committee has just completed a public review of the Bike Plan 2005 Draft Network Improvement Document, the "Plan part" of the Bike Plan 2005 (the "Policy part" has passed through the Planning Commission in February and is headed to the Board of Supervisors). The timeline for this review was set for the sake of the DPT Bike Program's submission to the to the SF County Transportation Authority's 5-Year Prop. K funding process, but of course review of the Bike Network Plan as a larger planning process by the BAC will continue as an ongoing matter.

Here are some documents discovered or presented to the BAC as part of this review:

purple fist Do you know a street or route that should be in the Bike Network but isn't? Send your recommendations to the SF Bicycle Advisory Committee.

Bike Plan Update Policy Framework

Here are some documents discovered or presented to the BAC earlier as part of the Draft Policy Framework review in Summer 2004:

LOS (Level-of-Service), Complete Streets, and Quality of Life

Planning and implementing better, safer streets for bicyclists — and pedestrians and seniors and children and everyone else not in a motor vehicle — is generally complicated by over-representation of automobile drivers' experience (congestion, convenience) in evaluating costs and benefits. Ironically, environmental quality considerations (regulated by CEQA law in California) are often the biggest obstacles to surmount when attempting to making these quality-of-life improvements to city streets, not because bikeways contribute to air pollution / noise polution / water pollution (mostly not), but because taking pavement away from private motorcars is likely to diminish the "Level of Service" experienced by drivers below a failing-grade threshold of convenience.

A bunch of smart people are working on reforms to the LOS rulebook and auto-centric public space planning here in SF, as well as re-framing the question of "Level of Service" to a broader accounting of livability, safety, peace and equity. It may seem like a little thing, but civility is the lifeblood of a successful city . . .

*the air pollution control agency for all of Orange County and the urban portions of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties

Golden Gate Park

Other Bike Planning & Policy

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